Sunday, February 5, 2012


So I decided to link up to Kelly's blog on over at She has had some amazing results helping people find true love, and I thought why not give it a try, and see if I find my true love.

Let me tell you about me, AJ, or as best known as, Amber. I am 27, finishing up my accounting degree at only the greatest school in Oklahoma, Oklahoma State!!! I am a die-hard OSU fan, and you can always catch me at the game, or watching it at home if it is an away game.

This is me (on the left) with a great friend this past season.

I LOVE spending time with my family, especially my niece and 3 nephews. They are my entire world, and a huge part of who I am. While I love my family very much, and we are all very close, I am not tied to living here in Oklahoma the rest of my life.

Me and my adorable niece at, of course, an OSU game!

I also love spending time with my friends, they are a huge part of who I am. I have a huge passion for photography as well. My love started as a hobby, but has grown into a part-time business, (as I am a full time production analyst for an Oil and Gas company) but I do spend quite a bit of time photographing, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am ready to find my Mr. Right, and settle down though, as I want to have my "best friend" to spend the rest of my life with, and to have my own family with. Here's to hoping I find him! :o)

If you would like to get in contact with me, you can email me at ajdrigg [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Time flies when you are having fun....

So I guess I haven't really lived up to my promise to post more....oops (you must forgive me) but I have been thru just a complete and total whirlwind lately, that blogging has been the last thing on my mind. I got a new job in November (yay for only having to be unemployed for 6 weeks) and I LOVE it!!! It is in the Oil and Gas industry, which is where I have always hoped and dreamed that my career would take me! I am finally able to slow down some and relax and enjoy life a little more stays at work when I leave, and I don't have to bring it home!!! (can I get an amen for that!) Aside from that I haven't really been doing too much.....I am going to make it my goal to blog at least once per week for the rest of this year, so let's hope that I do much better at it this time!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life lately.....

I swear, I have got to get better about posting on here! Well life hasn't been so kind to me lately, or maybe I should say that I have been taught another very important life lesson. After working for this "company" for almost 17 months, I was told (via text message might I add) that it was time for us to "part ways". To say that I was a little shocked, would be an understatement. I have never worked for a company before that I have given my entire life (as it felt like) to a position, yet still loved that job. I guess I should say that I shouldn't be surprised by this behavior, b/c in my short 17 months with this company, I have seen the people at this company behave in ways that I never would have dreamed possible for a "professional company". But aside from that very crushing blow, I have also learned that I need to start giving thanks were credit is due, and I need to start spending more time reflecting, and learning about our Lord and Savior. I am a Christian, but I will admit that I am not where I want/need to be in my faith, and have a lot to learn. So, as I begin this next chapter in my life, I will be building my faith in God, and learning to "Let go and let God".

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life lately......

Whew.....I have been crazy busy lately!! This week has been a great one at work, but it is getting tough the closer we get to the end of the semester to keep up with school work and work-work, plus my photography business and quilting business on the side!! I don't know how mom's do it that have to raise a kid and work and do any "side projects" that they may have going on!! I definitely don't know that I could do it! Well I am getting pretty stoked that April is getting closer, b/c that means 1 month closer to Summer, and warmer weather!! My feet are freezing from wearing flip-flops in this freakishly cold weather!! (I know you are saying to yourself, "why is she not wearing closed toed shoes with socks?" but the answer is, I LOVE flip-flops, I don't care what the temp may be!) Well I guess I better get off here and try to get some sleep for tonight, I have a busy day at work tomorrow, then 3 day weekend for me!! I am heading to OKC this weekend to see a great girlfriend of mine from High School, so this should be a fun weekend!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So yet again, it has been forever since I have been on here and been able to write. I really need to start getting better at this, b/c this is such a great stress reliever, and a great way for me to get a lot of stuff off of my chest. I have not been having the best week of my life, and today definitely took a turn for the worse. I am not a soft-spoken, mild-mannered type of girl. Everyone who knows me, knows that if I have something on my mind then by gosh it is coming out of my mouth whether people want to hear it or not. This is not neccessarily the best trait to have as a human being, even more so as a lady, so I have definitely been working on it. Well the past couple of days I have gotten better at just "giving in" and allowing people to have their way, and I don't try to insist that they see my side, some battles just aren't worth the fight no matter how much work/stress/sorrow it will cause me later. Well today, yea, let's just say it didn't go the same way, not so much. I had some very disrespectful and inapporopriate things said to me and I had enough. I fell right back in to my old ways, and let me tell you, everyone knew I was angry (scratch that, pissed)! I had to blow off some steam so I left to get away from the situation so I didn't say anything that I would later regret. I used my social networking site to blow out some frustration, w/o naming names or naming where I was. Well it turns out that some people have to stir the pot and start drama and at the end of the day I was reprimanded a little for posting what I posted.

Now let me tell you that I am a firm believer in freedom of speech, and people can say what they want all day b/c they have that write too. It is one thing to make a comment that could be generalized, but it is a whole other story to say something disrespectful and hurtful about someone or something specific. I did not do the latter of the two, however I was scolded as if I had. Now that only puts me in a better (sarcastic) mood, for tomorrow. I know that I am going to have to calm myself down so that I can speak eloquently, and get out everything that I need to say, so please Lord, let me act like a mature grown woman tomorrow, and say what I need to say w/o being catty and immature. Maybe at the end of the day my life will continue on as it is.....I guess if not, it is time for me to move on to bigger and better things!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Long time again.....

Gosh, I have GOT to get better about getting on here!! I am just being a slacker now. Work and school have taken over my life (yet again) and I just haven't had time to get on here and really write anything down. I need life to slow down a bit just so I can keep caught up! So here I am again, vowing to get on here more often and write. We will see what happens....LOL

Well I guess I had better get back to work, so here's to hoping that I remember to get on here later!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So here I home.......all day........alone........I am about to go crazy!!! I wouldn't normally complain about getting a whole day off, and another day off, and from the looks of it, a 3rd day off. But I am seriously losing my mind! I have tried to find things to do to keep myself busy, including do all my laundry, all the dishes, get caught up on the DVR, work on some more quilts, go outside and take some photos of this weather, and of course play on the Internet. I think that if I am forced to do this one more day alone though, I will officially lose my mind! I am not a person that does well with being stuck indoors, I guess it is the thought that I just can't leave if I wanted to, it bothers me. I sure the heck hope that this snow and ice decides to melt quickly, or shall I say that mother nature decides to warm up quickly to help melt this!! I am definitely NOT going to get stuck here all week long, I am going to Dallas this weekend whether the weather cooperates or not! So look out mother nature, I will fight back!